Your Account...

Account Control Panel
Uploading Files with FTP
Webby 2.5
Access Logs/Statistics
Customizable Error Messages
Password Protection
Promoting Your Site
Java Chat
Annonymous FTP
Additional FTP Accounts
Manic Supported Mime Types


Email Account
Email Alias
Global Email Alias
Multiple email alias


Hosting Policies

Billing Policies



Training Tools Online
Internet Related Technologies
Mac Tools
Counter Styles
A Beginner's Guide To HTML
An HTML Tutorial
CGI Documentation
Free Web Page Designs
GIF Wizard
HTML Background Selector

CGI Scripts...

Advanced counters: advanced, directed hit-logging Counters: (now over 700 counter styles!)
Form processors: mail and file form.
Guestbook: customizable guestbook interface
Postcard: allow others to send custom "postcards" via the web
Random behavior: random images, random text, random banners
Redirection: send users to a different URL based on the data they submit in a form.
Web dropbox: allow others to send files to you from compatible browsers
WWWBoard: a dynamic bulletin board system
CGI & Database...

Site search script
Server side includes
Using Miva to create dynamic content
Miva Tools

CGI programming/installation guide
Functioning without telnet/shell access
Tips for writing portable CGI scripts
Using the Mysql database
Using PHP3
Scheduling tasks with "cron"

Miva Merchant


Adding Streaming RealMedia
Adding Streaming TrueSpeech


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