PHP is a server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language. PHP is similar to Microsoft's ASP (Active Server Pages). It is a powerful development tool which allows for faster development of dynamic content with less programming. As with CGI, Manic does NOT provide development support for PHP. You can find extensive documention on the PHP web site, and can learn more about PHP at

Conventions and Manic-specific information
  • Manic Design uses PHP version 3.0.12.
  • The "CGI redirect" version of PHP is installed.
  • PHP files should end with the extension .php3
  • PHP files should be placed with your web documents; not in your /cgi-bin directory.
  • GIF creation via PHP is not supported or permitted.
  • A list of PHP variables can be obtained from the output of phpinfo().
Sample code
    A simple PHP program (hello.php3):
    <?php echo "Hello World"; ?>

    A more advanced PHP script with HTML embedded code (math.php3):
    <TITLE>PHP Test Script</TITLE>

    <B>A simple math problem...</B><BR>


       $a = 5;
       $b = 9;
       echo "$a plus $b is equal to ", $a + $b;


    <B>PHP Counting to 10...</B><BR>


       $n = 1;
       while ($n <= 10)
         echo "$n <BR>";



    PHP can also be used with a Mysql database to create advanced, dynamic web pages. To find out more, please consult the PHP site and Mysql documentation.

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