
Manic provides a free "postcard" CGI program which allows you to create different postcards. Your visitors can send these postcards to their friends or contacts. The postcard script allows your visitors to choose a picture (from a set your provide), and specify a message to send to the recipient.

  1. Create a postcard directory off of your /htdocs directory.
  2. Also create a /postcard/images directory.
  3. Upload several images (either .gif or .jpg) into this directory.
  4. Place a link to /cgi-t/postcard somewhere on your page, and try it!
  5. For privacy, add an index.html file to the publicly accessible directories.
Postcard lifetime:

    Postcards are automatically deleted after 14 days.

How to modify the format of your postcards:
    You may wish to alter the appearance of the postcards which are sent. To do this, create a file named template.html (NOT template.htm) in the /postcard directory. The following variables should be used inside your template.html file:
    • $email - the email address of the recipient
    • $from - the email address of the sender
    • $image - the URL of the image
    • $message - the actual message sent by the user
How to modify the actual "send postcard" page:

    (For advanced users only) To change the look & feel of the "send postcard" page, visit the page, view source, and save. Make the necessary modifications to the .html file, and re-upload to your site (at /postcard/postcard.html, for example). Instead of pointing your users at /cgi-t/postcard, link them to the location of your modified .html file.

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