Password protection

Support for password protection (access restriction) is standard on all Manic Design accounts.

Password protection allows you to specify a list of usernames and passwords which must be supplied in order to access to certain sections of your site. For example, you might password protect the /clients directory, making it accessible only to important clients, etc.

There are two methods which can be used to configure password protection; choose the method which best suits your needs:

Using Webby
    Using Webby, Manic Design's online file editor and site manager, click on the "lock" icon near the top of your screen. Consult the Webby documentation for details.

    Note: Microsoft FrontPage users should NOT use this method.
Using Microsoft FrontPage
    To password-protect a directory using Microsoft FrontPage, follow these steps:

    TIP: You must turn your directory into a "Web" before you can password protect it. To do so, simply right-click on the directory from within FrontPage Explorer, and click "Convert to Web".

    1. Open FrontPage Explorer

    2. From the File menu, select "Open FrontPage Web"

    3. Select the Web you wish to password protect. Note that restricting the <Root Web> will have the effect of restricting the entire site.

    4. From the Tools menu, select "Permissions".

    5. Select "Only registered users have browse access"

    6. Add users by pressing the "Add..." button.

    7. Hit "Apply" once you are done adding users.


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