Web Dropbox

Web dropbox is compatible with recent versions of major browsers, starting with Netscape 2.0 and Internet Explorer 4.0. It eliminates the disadvantages of combersome email attachments and eliminates the security issues involved with anonymous FTP.

It allows you to place an "upload" form on an HTML page, allowing visitors to actually upload the file from within their web browser.

Sample web dropbox
    Click the "Browse" button to specify a file to upload.

    Send me a file:


    Place the following code into an HTML document:
    <FORM ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" ACTION="/cgi-t/webdropbox"
    Send this file: 
    <INPUT TYPE=file NAME="userfile">
    <INPUT TYPE=submit VALUE="Send File">
    <INPUT TYPE=hidden NAME="email" VALUE="youremail@yourisp.com">
    With the optional email tag, you will receive an email notification when someone uploads a file to your webdropbox.

    Please note the following:
    • Uploaded files appear in your /webdropbox directory.
    • The /webdropbox directory is considered to be temporary storage. You are responsible for removing files from this area as soon as possible.
    • Due to security reasons, the uploaded file may not retain its original name.
    • This feature is not compatible with all browsers. Specifically, older versions of Netscape and Internet Explorer do not support the "file upload" feature.

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