
Manic's guestbook script allows you to maintain a guestbook for visitors to sign and view. The guestbook uses Miva, and is compatible with all Manic accounts. Follow these simple steps to add a guestbook to your site:

  1. Download this file (, unzip and then open it in a text editor.

  2. Change lines 30-35 of to reflect your preferences:

    • topgraphic: image displayed at the top of the guestbook
    • numberofentries: number of entries to display per page
    • mailtome: send an email when someone signs the guestbook (on/off)
    • mailto: your email address
    • mailfrom: your email address
    • mailhost: your mailserver (

  3. Upload to your root directory.

  4. You're done! Visit and test your new guestbook. The URL for your guestbook will be:
Changing the guestbook look and feel

    Changing the guestbook look and feel, including fonts, headers, and footers requires a minimal knowledge of HTML. Simply open with a text editor, change the HTML code as necessary, and re-upload.
Removing entries from the guestbook

    By default, the guestbook stores entries in /mvdata/guestbook.dat. To remove or edit entries, simply download the text file, edit, and re-upload. The /mvdata directory is one directory above your document root, and is NOT accessible via FrontPage. Make sure to re-upload the file in ASCII mode.
Operating more than one guestbook

    To create an additional guestbook, simply make a copy of the file. Remember to edit line 36 of the copy, making sure to choose a new datafile name.
Changing the time zone

    By default, the guestbook logs all entries in pacific time. To change the time zone, edit lines 67 and 68, changing your time zone and time zone offset (i.e. GMT-7 and PDT).

The guestbook script is a slightly modified version of the guestbook found on the Miva FTP server. For more information about Miva, please visit our online documentation.

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