Anonymous FTP

Domain accounts include an anonymous FTP server. When enabled, this server allows anonymous users to download (and optionally upload) files from/to a specific directory within your account.

To activate anonymous FTP, create an /ftp directory within your document root (/htdocs) directory. This directory will appear via anonymous FTP at (It will also appear on the web at

Anonymous FTP users will be able to view and download files in the /ftp directory, and in any of its subdirectories. They will not be able to view files outside of the /ftp directory.

By default, anonymous FTP users can not upload files (their access is read-only). To allow write-access to the anonymous FTP directory, use your FTP client or Webby to chmod a subdirectory within /ftp as drwxrwxrwx (0777).

Use anonymous FTP with caution; you are responsible for all content on your site. By allowing write-access to your /ftp directory, you will be allowing third-parties to upload content which might cause your site to violate our policies or which might cause your site to exceed your disk space allotment, resulting in charges to your account. A better solution is to create one or more additional FTP accounts and selectively distribute the password(s).

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