
Manic's redirection script gives you the ability to send users to a different URL based on the data they submit in a form. There are two main ways in which redirect is used:

Demo and Sample code
    1. As a list of options: (try it!)
    with code like this:
    <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="/cgi-t/redirect">
    <SELECT NAME=url>
    <OPTION VALUE="">Go To Netscape
    <OPTION VALUE="">Go to Yahoo!
    <OPTION VALUE="">Go to Infoseek

    2. As a series of buttons: (try it!)
    with code like this:
    <FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="/cgi-t/redirect">
    <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME="" VALUE="Go to Netscape">
    <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME="" VALUE="Go to Yahoo!">
    <INPUT TYPE=SUBMIT NAME="" VALUE="Go to Infoseek">

    Keep in mind that redirect uses any input that looks like a URL (either a name or a value). You can use this behavior to your creative advantage, and redirect someone based on check boxes, form input, etc. Make sure that you provide fully qualified URLs (i.e.

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