Forms of payment

    Manic Design currently accepts personal checks, business checks, money orders, and international money orders. Checks must be in U.S. currency, and must be drawn on a U.S. bank. If you would like to use a credit card to make your payment, we have set up an account with PayPal - send the payment to
Billing period
    At the customer's option, accounts are billed quarterly, or annually. Payment is due on the date of each anniversary of the payment period.
Initial payment
    Initial payments are due 7 days from signup. If you do not expect that your initial payment will arrive within a week of signup, please contact Manic Design immediately to avoid account suspension.

    Special policy for international users: Manic Design accepts payment by international money order and other international forms of U.S. currency. If you do not expect initial payment to arrive within 7 days, please send us an email indicating: 1) that payment has been mailed, or 2) that the payment process has been initiated, along with an approximate ETA for your payment.
    Customers will be invoiced via email 1 month before payment is due.
Returned/bounced checks
    Checks returned unpaid (i.e. insufficient funds) are subject to a $25 returned check fee.
Delinquent accounts
    Accounts that are 30 days delinquent in payment of balances due will receive a reminder email. If payment, in full, is not received within 7 days of the reminder, the account will be suspended. Accounts which remain suspended more than 2 weeks are subject to termination.

    Accounts which are reactivated after having been suspended are subject to a $25 account reactivation fee.
    Manic Design reserves the right to cancel service at any time for any reason. Should Manic Design cancel service, prepaid monthly fees for service not rendered will be prorated and refunded.

    Customers may cancel their accounts at the end of their billing period, or on an even month. In this case, prepaid monthly fees for service not rendered will be prorated and refunded.

    Setup fees and domain registration fees are not refundable.
Billing policies & prices
    Manic Design reserves the right to change its policies or prices at any time. Prices are guaranteed for the period of pre-payment only. Rev. 02/28/2000

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