Web Site Search Script (ICE)

Manic Design provides an easy to install Perl-based search script which is pre-configured to run. This script is a modified version of ICE version 1.5, which is a fast, index-based search script.

To install ICE
    This script should have been automatically installed when you signed up. If it has not or you need a fresh copy of the default version, then do the following:

  • Download search_form.cgi and search_index.cgi (if the text of either script appears in your browser window you can select "Save As" from the "File" menu of your web browser).

  • Upload search_form.cgi and search_index.cgi into your cgi-bin directory.
Indexing your web site:
    Once the two scripts are in your cgi-bin, you can index your web site by going to...


    This may take a few seconds or longer depending on the size of your web site. When the page finishes loading the script has completed indexing your web site. You should do this whenever you have made changes to your web site so the search script can use the most up-to-date information.

    Indexing is a process which searches your web site for keywords and places them in a special file, index.idx, which will appear in your cgi-bin after you index your site. The index.idx file is used by the search script to lookup information quickly.

Searching your web site:
    Once the scripts are installed and you have indexed your web site, you may search it by going to the search script directly at...


    Or, you can call the search script with a form inside any HTML page using the following code fragment:

    <FORM ACTION="/cgi-bin/search_form.cgi">

    Search For: <INPUT NAME="KEYWORDS" SIZE=50>
    <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Start Search">


Modifications to the script:
    Advanced users may wish to modify the code of the two scripts to...

  • Change the look and feel of the search form and the output.
  • Specify which directories NOT to search.
  • Specify the Maximum number of matches to return.
  • Or provide any other customizations of which you are technically capable.

  • NOTE: Manic Design only provides support for this script in its default configuration. If you chose to edit the code and the script stops working or functioning properly, you will need to either debug the script or start over by downloading the default script and re-installing.

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