Tips for writing portable CGI scripts

The best CGI scripts are ones which require little or no configuration. By following these tips, you can insure that your CGI is portable, and will function properly even if the script is moved to another system or major changes are made to the environment. In such cases, these tips can help you reduce or eliminate the task of reconfiguration.

Use the DOCUMENT_ROOT environment variable
    Avoid using absolute paths to your data files (i.e. /usr/home/ Use $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'} instead. This variable is of the form: /usr/home/

    By using DOCUMENT_ROOT, your CGI script will not be sensitive to changes in directory structure, or changes in domain name. The following table shows the most common paths in terms of DOCUMENT_ROOT:

    Home directory Absolute path:

    Recommended path:

    Seasoned approach:
    $homedir = $ENV{'DOCUMENT_ROOT'};
    $homedir =~ s/\/htdocs$// || die;
    Document root Absolute path:

    Recommended path:
    CGI-BIN directory Absolute path:

    Recommended path:
Use the SERVER_NAME environment variable
    The script has access to the domain name of the virtual server via $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}.

    Use this environment variable instead of hard-wiring the server name throughout the code:

    $myserver = $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'} || $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'};

    By using SERVER_NAME, your CGI script will not be sensitive if you change the domain name at a later date.
Use the SCRIPT_NAME environment variable
    A common mistake is to hard-wire the script name throughout the code, or via a configuration parameter. However, this is unnecessary. The script has access to its name as $ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}:

    $myserver = $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'} || $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'};
    $myurl = "http://$myserver$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}";

    By using SCRIPT_NAME, your CGI script will not be sensitive if you choose to rename it at a later date.
Use the HTTPS environment variable
    Don't hard-wire the "http://" into the script, especially if you plan to use secure server. Use $ENV{'HTTPS'} instead:

    $myserver = $ENV{'HTTP_HOST'} || $ENV{'SERVER_NAME'};
    $myhttp = $ENV{'HTTPS'} ? "https://" : "http://";
    $myurl = "$myhttp$myserver$ENV{'SCRIPT_NAME'}";

    By using HTTPS, your CGI script will not be sensitive if you choose to move it to/from a secure server environment.
Use other environment variables
    Many other environment variables are available for your use. By using environment variables instead of hard-wiring variables, you will be able to seamlessly move scripts between servers, between drives, to/from a secure server environment, and even rename the script, all without the need to edit the script.

    For a list of environment variables available to your CGI script, please visit which is pre-installed into your /cgi-bin directory.

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