Access logs / statistics

Manic Design provides detailed, daily statistics which summarize your site activity. These statistics are available from the account control panel.

Statistics cruncher
    The statistics cruncher is extremely fast and configurable, and will display the following information for a given range of dates:

    • Summary of files accessed
    • Summary of page referrals
    • Summary of clients accessing your site
    • Summary of the browsers used to access your site
    • Daily totals
    • Hourly breakdown of hits
    • Hourly breakdown of page hits
    • Hourly breakdown of Kbytes transferred
    • Error information

    Stats FAQ
Raw log files
    Each account has access to its raw log files, including access and error logs. These logs can be downloaded via FTP and are compatible with 3rd-party log analyzers, including WebTrends.

    Raw logs are kept for a minimum of 7 days. To download these logs, connect to your /logs directory with FTP. Files are named accessYYYYMMDD.log.gz. The latest version of WinZip can uncompress these files.

    The raw error log (consisting of the last 7 days) is found at /logs/error.log.
Stats FAQ
    When do my stats become available?

    Site statistics are usually available by 4 a.m. (pacific time), the following day. This time may vary.

    What is the timezone that my statistics show?

    Manic Design is in the Pacific Time Zone (GMT -08:00). All logs, statistics, and timestamps are marked with Pacific Time.

    What is the difference between a "page hit" and a "hit"?

    "Page hits", as reported by our statistics program, count files which end in .htm, .html, or .shtml.
    "Hits" includes all files, including images, multimedia, HTML pages, etc.

    What is a "Refer" or "Reference"?

    A "referral" is a page from which a person came to your site. Most people come to your site by linking from another site. You'll often see referrals of search engines, or sites which have a link to your own. By default the stats program excludes referals from your own site.

    How To Do Pattern Matching

    The pattern matching used by the statistics program uses Regular Expression syntax. Regular Expressions allow you to do powerful and complex matchings. If you are not familiar with Regular Expression syntax, then the following will give you a brief introduction.

    | - means OR
    & - means AND

    Note, if you are looking for a specific file name, make sure you are escaping the "." character, for example if you want to just include "index.html" use the following Regular Expression


    A Few Examples :

    will match any string containing the strings ".jpg" or ".gif"
    will match any string containing the strings "index.html" or "index.shtml"
    will match any string containing the strings ".gif" and "image"


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