Random quote script

Manic's random quote script allows you to insert random text inside an HTML document. This script can be used to display a quote which changes each visit, or can be used to embed a random sound or image into a document.

This script requires that your HTML file end in .shtml rather than .html. The .shtml extension indicates that the server should watch for the command which causes random text to be displayed.

To use the random quote script, follow these steps:

    1. Using a text editor or word processor, create a text file with your quotes. Each random element should be separated by a blank line. Remember to save your file in ASCII (text) format:
      The chief cause of problems is solutions.
      Nothing cures insomnia like the realization that it's time to get up.
      Taxes: Of life's two certainties, the only one for which you can get
      an extension.
      (1)  The boss is always right.
      (2)  When the boss is wrong, refer to rule 1.
    You can also include image files, HTML, URL or any other bits of code like...
      <IMG SRC="/images/random_image.gif">
      <FONT SIZE=+2>Random HTML fragment</FONT>
      <A HREF="http://www.domain.com/cool_stuff.html">Random URL</A>
    2. Using FTP, upload the text file into your /freeCGI directory. We suggest you choose the name quote.txt.

    3. Use the following code to place a random quote within your HTML. Be sure that you're placing this in an .shtml file:

    <!--#include virtual="/cgi-t/quote.cgi?file=quote.txt" -->

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