Creating and maintaining a web page is easy and straightforward. There are several useful tools to help you get started, many of which eliminate or reduce the learning curve associated with placing a new site on the Internet. This guide is intended to acquaint you with "the basics." Armed with this information, you'll be able to select a web presence provider, create content, and manage your new website effectively.

So, how does this all work?

Before delving into creating the content for your new website, you should understand the basics of how the Internet works. To many, the Internet is a fuzzy conglomeration of Netscape Navigator, Yahoo, and an email program. Here's what's actually going on:

The Internet is a communications network similar to the network used to carry telephone conversations between two points in the world. Hundreds of thousands of miles of fiber optic cable and telephone lines, along with sattelite dishes and communication sattelites, make up this "backbone" which we call the Internet.

Enter the web presence provider (WPP). These providers maintain high-performance servers, and large amounts of storage, and have fast, high-capacity links to the Internet backbone. These WPPs typically host thousands of websites on their equipment. Because they buy in bulk, WPPs are able to sell personal and business web hosting accounts for as little as $10 or $20 per month. Manic is one such web presence provider.

So where do your computer and modem fit in? You are one of the millions of people, businesses, and organizations which connect to the Internet on a daily basis. Typically, you'll be connecting to the Internet with a modem (through a dial-up provider), or through your school or work.

When you visit a site (for example, Alice Cooper's), your request is transmitted by your dial-up provider, across the Internet, to a WPP like Manic. This web presence provider then returns the information requested, which might be a web page, a sound, or a piece of email.

So, what do I need to get started?

First, you'll need an idea for your content. If you're reading this page, you've probably got a great idea, and are looking for a way to put it into motion.

Second, you'll most likely want some type of web authoring software. Several software packages are available to assist you in creating web pages. Many offer intuitive, graphical interfaces which mimic your word processor. Their prices range from free (Netscape Navigator Gold, Net-It Now!) to around $100 (Microsoft FrontPage, Adobe Pagemill). Alternatively, you can try your hand at creating HTML from scratch.

Third, you'll need to select a web presence provider (WPP) which will house and host your web page. Manic has several hosting packages to get you started, plus custom plans once you become more advanced and begin to require specialized services.

So, how should I select a WPP?

There are several web presence providers to choose from. You'll probably want to consider the following factors:
  • Price - Prices vary widely. Don't necessarily go for the lowest price, but select a package which meets your budget.
  • Performance - Although a web page can be slow for any number of reasons, it's probably best to select a web presence provider whose pages load at a reasonable speed.
  • Space and transfer restrictions - If you're new to the world of web hosting, you won't want to have to worry about artifical storage and hit limitations. Some providers offer hosting packages with no predefined limits on storage and hits.
  • Support - Send a message to their sales or support department. Is the response time measured in hours, or is it in measured in days?
  • Customer satisfaction - Most WPPs have customer directories. Send a message to a few of their customers and see how they like their support.

So, how do I start?

Most web presence providers have online signup forms, and a few allow you to start hosting your new site within minutes of signing up.

Of course, you'll want to pick a URL which people will use to visit your site. You'll be able to choose between a domain name (i.e. or or, or a basic name (i.e. Many WPPs now support national domains (i.e. for those who qualify.

Once you sign up, you'll receive instructions on how to update your site, manage site content, and perform other administrative functions. It's then up to you to create the site content and attract visitors to your site.

How would I upload or update my site?

Many people think that you have to dial directly into your WPP in order to update your site. This is not the case. The versitality of the Internet allows you to upload your site simply by connecting normally to the Internet using your own ISP, school, or work.

What then? This largely depends on your choice of web authoring tools. Almost all authoring tools, including the four listed above, allow you to type in your server's URL, your username, and password. Once you've created a page, the software will automatically upload and update it onto your WPP, which makes the content appear to the world. If you've chosen to create the HTML from scratch, you'll need to follow specific instructions provided by your WPP once you sign up.

In summary...

Many people are confused by the two different types of "providers" which are available. Internet service providers (ISPs), and web presence providers (WPPs) have two distinct functions on the Internet.

An ISP provides you with a personal connection to the Internet. Typcial ISPs provide dial-in telephone numbers which you call with your modem. Once connected, you can "surf," use Netscape or other browser software, check your email, etc.

On the other hand, a web presence provider offers space for you to maintain a web page. The web page is hosted on a permanent connection, as opposed to a dial-in connection which would be temporary. Typical WPPs do not have modems, nor do they have "dial-in" lines. They usually have a high-bandwidth connection to major Internet backbones.

If you're interested in creating a new website, you'll need an idea, web authoring software, and a web presence provider. After selecting a WPP, following a simple signup process, and choosing your domain name, you'll receive instructions on configuring your authoring software to upload your site.

After signup, it's up to you to create the content for your new site, and to attract visitors.

Do you have specific questions about placing your business or personal site online? Contact a Manic sales representative, and we'll be happy to assist!

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