Amazing Web Space
Incredible bandwidth
Free CGI scripts

Miva ... And more


150 mb Domain Accounts $25/month!

E-Commerce Accounts for only $60.00 a month!

All hosted on a maniacal high speed link to the Internet backbone.


All of Manic's web accounts feature:

99.9% Uptime!

10 GB/month Bandwidth!

Detailed, Daily Statistics

Manic's Web Development Tools

Private FTP access to your account, 24 hours a day

MivaScript Engine


Domain Account $50 setup

150 mb web space
6 POP3 Email Accounts
Unlimited Email Aliases
Email Autoresponders
Miva Engine with integrated database
CGI-BIN Access
SSL Secure Server

E-Commerce Account $100 setup

250 mb web space
20 POP3 Email Accounts
Miva Engine with integrated database
Miva Merchant E-Commerce solution
Real-time credit card processing capability
MySQL Database
CGI-BIN Access
SSL Secure Server
Microsoft FrontPage
Free! Use Microsoft FrontPage to develop your documents, and publish dynamic content.
More Bandwidth $2/month per 10 GB block
More Space $2/month per 10 MB
JavaChat $5/month Volano! Server side Java based Chat Room
FTP Accounts $2/month FTP account with its own username and password
Email Addresses $2/month Email address with its own username and password
Domain Aliases $10 setup
$5/month ea
Point all of your registered domains to 1 URL

Start Your Account Today!