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Manic is pleased to announce that we have recently signed a contract with CRL Networks. This agreement provides additional network connectivity which will enhance redundancy and reachability of the Manic network, in conjunction with continued support through ATMNet's access center in San Diego.

Manic is multihomed, which means that we maintain connections to multiple access points on the Internet. Our traffic is carried directly to the national backbones of Geo Net, MCI, UUNet, Sprint, PSI, ANS, and Agis through multiple access points.

Manic servers are directly connected to one of the world's fastest OC-3c backbones, which features transfer speeds up to 155 megabit. That's 3 times the speed of a T-3. We also feature ATM technology which splits traditional data packets up into smaller cells that allow faster transfer to occur in a multi-homed environment.

Our connection features quality network equipment, including hardware by Cisco, Bay Networks, and Fore Systems.

In an effort to continuously improve our service, Manic constantly monitors network performance in an effort to keep utilization at acceptable levels. Additional connectivity is immediately added when the need arises.



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