
RandomBANNER is typically used to include a random banner at the top of an HTML page. The banner is randomly selected from a list of URLs and images which you provide.

1. Create a simple text file, formatted as follows:
link,image location,border size,width,height,alt info
link,image location,border size,width,height,alt info
Here's an example:
http://www.manicdesign.com/,http://customers.manicdesign.com/images/ad1.gif,1,300,100,Please visit our sponsor... Manic Design 
http://www.netscape.com/,http://customers.manicdesign.com/images/ad2.gif,1,300,100,Please visit our sponsor... Netscape
http://www.infoseek.com/,http://customers.manicdesign.com/images/ad3.gif,1,300,100,Please visit our sponsor... Infoseek
2. Upload this file to your /freeCGI directory.

Using FTP, upload the file to your /freeCGI directory (this is one directory up from your /htdocs directory -- do not create this directory; it should already exist). Name your file xxx.randomBANNER.txt, where xxx is any name you choose.

3. Add the following code inside your .shtml file. This script must be embeded in a .shtml file rather than a .html file. The ".shtml" tells the server to process certain instructions, such as the one below:
<!--#include virtual="/cgi-t/randomBANNER?group=xxx.randomBANNER.txt"-->
where xxx is the name you chose in step 2.

4. Try it!

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